Whatsherface and Barack Obama

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Soccer Extreme : “My exit was in all the world news. I am like Obama with tits… but I am ashamed of what I did to Cristiano. It was pathetic.”

Nereida Gallardo when asked if she was proud of her fame and the “thing” she did to that boy in the club.

We know we should leave it alone, but Kickettes, that has to go down as the most clinically insane, contradictory crazy, ex-wagtastically brilliant thing that has ever been said.

How can you ask us to stop writing about her? There is no quicker, cheaper way to improve your self-esteem than by looking at this photo and reading this quote of gold. Hands down, it’s the statement of the year.

Not enough? Need more positive reinforcement that your life rocks?

As well as admitting she paid 4,900 euros to enhance her breasts at 21, when asked about the strangest offer she’s ever had, Nereida said,

“I signed a contract to be the image of Armani Sunglasses NY. I was surprised that they chose me; later I discovered that everything was a lie and it was a prank from a guy who used to be in jail.” (kickette)