Yoann Gourcuff : doesn’t make money a priority

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Soccer Extreme : Apparently, the lush and he-of-excellent-pose, Yoann Gourcuff, “doesn’t make money a priority” in his life.

Hang on. We’ve run out of tissues, let us just re-stock.

Ok. So, here’s the story: Yoann’s agent, Didier Poulmaire, told the magazine Quotient de Foot recently that the Bordeaux striker was called upon by Milan to return. To woo him, they took the mega-money angle, offering him mucho euros.

“Milan focused everything on money when they tried to convince him [to return], but Yoann chose to consolidate his performances with Bordeaux. Money is not a priority.”

To further prove his point (and hurt our fantasy lives), Poulmaire said that Yoann also turned down a telly commercial shilling perfume. He was offered €500,000 to become a product ‘ho and declined.

So, we’re dealing with a man that not only refuses to sell out so we can watch him in some product porn type advertisement with (one would hope) zoom shots of abs and lashes, we’re also having to accept that our boy’s value system is, sadly, in balance. (kickette)