Pick one like Beckham: Sperm bank allows clients to choose

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Soccer Extreme : If you can't have the man of your dreams, don't fret. It is still possible to have a baby who looks a bit like him.

Women who hanker after David Beckham's manly profile or Russell Crowe's rugged charm can choose a lookalike donor at a sperm bank.

Golden opportunity? A California sperm bank claims to have donors who resemble
David Beckham (left), Russell Crowe (centre) and Daniel Radcliffe (right)

As well as Beckham and Crowe, the California Cryobank claims to have donors who resemble Ben Affleck, Hugh Grant and comedian Ben Stiller.

There are even two said to look like Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe, although at just 20, you might think he is a little young for classic fatherhood material.

Donor No 11385 on the sperm bank's list is said to be a dead ringer for David Beckham and is described as a 'blond-haired dreamboat'.

The donor lookalike service features more than 100 celebrities and sports stars. Even those from a bygone age, such as Errol Flynn, are on the books.

The donors are not named or pictured by the Los Angeles-based sperm bank, among the biggest and most popular in the U.S.

Under American law, donors must remain anonymous and prospective parents are not allowed to see the donor at all.

Instead they are given a brief description of the man's height, build and hair and eye colour.

But the Cryobank believes matching the donor to the face of a celebrity will give mothers-to-be a better idea of what their child could grow up to look like.

But who decides which celebrity goes with which donor? This, apparently, is down to the sperm bank staff, who use a decidedly unscientific method.

Centre spokesman Scott Brown said he and other staff simply put pictures of their sperm donors up on a big screen and debate who the person most looks like.

The sperm bank website asks prospective clients: 'Have you ever wondered if your favourite donor looks like anyone famous?

'You know how tall he is and his hair and eye colour, but wouldn't it be great to have an idea of what he really looks like?'

However it also warns that choosing a donor who looks like a Hollywood heart throb doesn't guarantee a child will look exactly the same.

'No celebrity is meant as an exact match for any donor, nor should you assume that your future children will look like any celebrity listed,' the website says.

But the 'celebrity baby bank' process has been criticised by scientists.

'There's something strange about a culture that has stratified rigid types of beauty where everyone looks alike,' said professor Bonnie Steinbeck from the University of Albany in New York.

'Now they're trying to create children through who the actor of the moment is.'

The Cryobank centre said 40 per cent of its clients were infertile couples.

The rest were made up of single women and homosexual couples. (dailymail)