WAGs : Maura Rivera

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Soccer Extreme : Maura Rivera is a Chilean dancer, popular TV type in her home;and and is described on her Wikipedia page as a "sex symbol". We do not disagree.

Naturally, as with all sex symbols and long-legged dancing beauties, she has been attracted by the moeny and fame of a footballer, this time Chilean left-wing sensation (who was crap at Liverpool), Mark Gonzalez.

He's no Ronaldo and he no Messi, but hat's off to the chap anyway. We wsih Chile had gone all the way. And we certainly wouldn't mind doing the same with Ms Rivera! (Sorry.)

France : Aujourd’hui, le Chili entre en jeu contre le Brésil et ca va être tres difficile ! Alors on va faire un petit clin d’oeil à cette équipe avec un des couples les plus célèbres du pays, Mark Gonzalez, l’attaquant du CSK Moscou et sa petite Maura Rivera ! Coté WAG, en tout cas, le Chili joue à armes égales !