Ruby, Berlusconi Sex Scandal Rebuttal: At Least I'm Not Gay, Says PM

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Soccer Extreme :Nadia Macri', a 28 year old aspiring model and "television showgirl," alleges that Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi payed her over $14,000 for intercourse.

The allegations came forward as part of an unrelated look into a cocaine smuggling ring, says that paper. Macri' also alleged that pot was available on the PM's private jet.

As she told investigators:

There was grass available in all the rooms, it had been brought in on the prime minister's private jet. I saw a number of guests smoking, but never the prime minister.

These allegations came out during the investigation of an alleged cocaine smuggling ring involving Perla Genovesi, a former member of Berlusconi's party turned whistle blower, says the Telegraph. Berlusconi's lawyers denied the allegations.

The Daily Mail, which described Macri' as "a high-class call girl," reports that the girl alleges she slept with 74 year old Berlusconi twice and saw him have sex with other women in a jacuzzi.

Nadia Macri'

The revelations come simultaneously as Karima Keyek, better known as Ruby, alleged that Berlusconi has a marble statue of Superman with his face carved on it, according to the UK paper the Metro. They quote Ruby as saying:

I was sat next to Silvio. We talked about everything except politics. Then he showed us a marble statue of Superman that had his face.

Ruby became the center of the recent spate of sex scandals when it was revealed that Berlusconi allegedly told police she was related to Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, which she is not, in order to speed her release after being detained for theft.

Karima Keyek

The scandals have caused calls for Berlusconi to step down. Parliamentary speaker Gianfranco Fini, a one-time ally of the premier, has said that the PM should resign if it is proven that he abused his power in pressuring police to release Ruby. Berlusconi recently angered gay groups when he stated that, "It's better to be passionate about a beautiful girl than a gay." (huffingtonpost)

Nadia Macri’: Facebook per le rivelazioni della escort di Silvio Berlusconi

Nadia Macri‘ mette nei guai Silvio Berlusconi su Facebook. Questa giovane escort ha pensato bene di raccontare tutta la sua verita’ sulle feste nella villa di Arcore, proprio sul social network piu’ utilizzato della rete. Alcune indagini la coinvolgono in prima persona e lei ha pensato bene di sfogarsi su Facebook. Prima il caso di Patrizia D’Addario e delle escort di Palazzo Grazioli, ora il caso di Arcore, con una nuova escort pronta a diventare protagonista!

Ci ha pensato Ruby a dire tutto sulle feste di Arcore: ma se pensate che sia la sola a voler raccontare quello che accadeva nella residenza del premier, vi sbagliate di grosso. Ora ci pensa anche Nadia Macri’ al centro di alcune indagini che la coinvolgono.

Lei si sfoga su internet, in particolare su Facebook: “Non mi preoccupo di quello che mi succederà, vado avanti e combatterò. […] L’onestà e la verità devono trionfare. Non mi faccio intimidire: i cattivi non vinceranno con i buoni”, parole chiare, come quelle rilasciate agli inquirenti.

La escort racconta che prima del terremoto della villa in Sardegna erano in 25: nelle stanze c’era erba da fumare che veniva portata con il jet privato del presidente Berlusconi. In ogni stanza c’erano due ragazze: lei ottenne 10mila euro per le prestazioni, insieme ad altri piccoli regali. Lei e’ stata tre volte dal premier ma solamente in due occasioni hanno avuto rapporti sessuali.